hotel interim management
For a defined transition period, HAM is able to undertake temporary management of hotels and other hospitality profit centres with the objective of strategic re-organisation. Through our network of hospitality professionals, we create a milestone and quality development action plan that defines the objectives and with clear deadlines.
What we provide you with in this field of work are:
pre-defined, task-oriented results
limited time period
measurable results
savings by eliminating payroll expenses
allowing full-time management to perform their regular duties without interruption
availability on short notice
all engagements are scheduled to ensure that all tasks are 100% completed in a timely manner
all engagements have predetermined and approved durations ranging from 2 to 18 months
special programs for pre-, post-opening and refurbishment processes
We can provide interim management services combined with many of our other services based on our clients’ individual needs that are determined by the phase their project is in, financial objectives, technical requirements etc. HAM is able to assist you with the following elements in various categories:
hotel management:
sales and marketing
revenue management and e-commerce
brand management and quality assurance
food and beverage
finance and accounting
risk management
planning and positioning
technical services
human resources
training and professional development
hotel audit
technical revision and inspection
architectural revision and inspection
real estate and facility revision
interior design and landscaping
procurement revision
economical audit
marketing, positioning and branding
hotel advisory
operational support
training programs
financial controlling
strategic marketing
revenue management
proposed development usage and pricing analysis
financial analysis
valuation analysis
area, demographic, and neighbourhood analysis
proposed development recommendations and costs
market analysis
site review
comparison of value created to projected costs
brand development
project development
space planning
service requirements
Click on our services below to explore more:
operational consulting & troubleshooting
financial performance optimisation
mystery checks & performance reports
real estate transactions